Libra & Capricorn Communication and intellect

Compatibility between zodiac signs: Libra & Capricorn Communication and intellect

Love Compatibility

Find out if your partnership will go all the way. some sun signs naturally work well together, but others need to compromise to make it work!

Libra & Capricorn Communication and intellect

We wouldn’t say that Libra is that stubborn, but when they find themselves in a relationship with a Capricorn, they suddenly become headstrong and sometimes even impossible to talk to. Even though Libra loves Capricorn because of Saturn’s exaltation, this is shown in the most unusual way, for they seem to feel the need to speak out of spite. This can be a long battle, with no winners or losers, simply two people always building walls between each other, for reasons that aren’t clear to anyone around them.
The biggest obstacles to their understanding are the elements they belong to. Air and Earth are too far apart and it seems unclear to these partners how to reach each other on any issue in life. Still, there is a prudence to both of them that might give them just enough depth and understanding to have very interesting discussions and motivate each other to build a better foundation for every next debate. If they remain rational in their mental relations, they could have a lot of fun that other signs wouldn’t be able to understand.
The satisfaction they will both get from serious problem solving might lead them to a point where they find a solution together, Libra puts it in words and Capricorn puts it in action. There is probably nothing in the world that could raise their egos higher than situations in which they managed to resolve something by a simple shared effort.