Leo & Capricorn Sexual & Intimacy Compatibility

Compatibility between zodiac signs: Leo & Capricorn Sexual & Intimacy Compatibility

Love Compatibility

Find out if your partnership will go all the way. some sun signs naturally work well together, but others need to compromise to make it work!

Leo & Capricorn Sexual & Intimacy Compatibility

Leo and Capricorn have one thing in common and it is their awareness of their Selves. It will be a rare occasion when Leo is attracted to a Capricorn, but the other way around attraction seems more probable. However, they won’t often get to the sexual part of their relationship, for even though they both might enjoy the chase, they will not see their future together.
Leo is a warm, passionate sign, and Capricorn likes to be coolheaded and practical. This doesn’t mean that Leo isn’t at all practical, or that Capricorn isn’t passionate, but they won’t see each other as similar in any way. The rulers of these signs represent one of the archetypal conflicts of the zodiac, and tell the story of the fallen ego. This need could easily pull them both in a direction which will endanger their self-esteems and affect the image they have on their beauty and attractiveness. This is usually ignited by Leo’s freedom of sexual expression that Capricorn fears, leading to the insecurity in both partners because they are not able to fit into each other’s set of expectations.
Their sex life can easily become boring for both partners, and what they often don’t realize is how similar they actually are. The only way for them to have a healthy sex life is to share warmth and always bring new experiences, spicing things up. If they find themselves in a rut, they might stay there for a very long time, leading to the loss of libido and confidence, up to a loss of any sexual desire.