Leo & Capricorn Emotions

Compatibility between zodiac signs: Leo & Capricorn Emotions

Love Compatibility

Find out if your partnership will go all the way. some sun signs naturally work well together, but others need to compromise to make it work!

Leo & Capricorn Emotions

A relationship between a Leo and a Capricorn partner can be truly emotionally challenging, not because they don’t love each other, but because they do. Warm emotions of Leo are easily cooled down and buried, and without the ability to express love, Leo can become pretty depressed. In return, the time Capricorn needs to build the emotional story they need, will be roughly interrupted by their fiery Leo partner. This could hurt them, or lead them to the opinion that Leo is not the right person for them, however attractive, smart, capable or beautiful they might be.
The problem with this couple is in the way they build up emotions, and their best chances are in time and patience, things that Leo rarely possesses, and Capricorn rules. There is no other way to reach the heart of a Capricorn partner and discover that they can be warm too. If there has been too much pain in their prior emotional relationships, both partners could be almost too stubborn to get to the point where they might actually fall in love.