Gemini & Scorpio Trust

Compatibility between zodiac signs: Gemini & Scorpio Trust

Love Compatibility

Find out if your partnership will go all the way. some sun signs naturally work well together, but others need to compromise to make it work!

Gemini & Scorpio Trust

Scorpio trusts everyone until they don’t. They have this weird, possessive nature that can give ultimate trust to their partner until the first worm of suspicion is created, usually by flakiness and disrespect. They like things clean and without a doubt, and are prepared to give unconditional honesty, expecting the same in return. This is where Gemini comes and asks a simple question – how can I be honest when I don’t know what my truth is in the first place? It is ridiculous to expect such a definite honesty out of a Gemini partner when they are so prone to change and have no idea what they will feel or do tomorrow. Still, they have a knack for communication that can save the day, but it can only be used if Scorpio doesn’t feel threatened because of their previous heartbreak they’ve never healed from.