Gemini & Scorpio Communication and intellect

Compatibility between zodiac signs: Gemini & Scorpio Communication and intellect

Love Compatibility

Find out if your partnership will go all the way. some sun signs naturally work well together, but others need to compromise to make it work!

Gemini & Scorpio Communication and intellect

It is a good thing that Gemini can communicate with anyone. They will be moved and intrigued by Scorpio’s nature, and very curious as usual. This will be amplified by Scorpio’s depth and interesting topics, up to the point where they get too dark and depressive. This is something Gemini doesn’t want to deal with if they don’t have to. Unfortunately, there is not a lot that Scorpio thinks they can learn from Gemini. Although they might wish to be more superficial, when they get in contact with someone with less depth, their ego sparks and they feel dominant because they are just the way they are. They will hardly ever respect Gemini for this, and can try to feed on their personality in order to add quality to their own.
In case they share interests and have similar professional or educational directions, they could complement each other very well. Gemini would give ideas and discover new information, while Scorpio will dig in and give real essence to everything. Their communication can be inspirational if they get into this mode and start accepting each other’s qualities. They have so much to give to each other and it would be a shame if they held their relationship in an ego conflict for too long.