Capricorn & Cancer Emotions

Compatibility between zodiac signs: Capricorn & Cancer Emotions

Love Compatibility

Find out if your partnership will go all the way. some sun signs naturally work well together, but others need to compromise to make it work!

Capricorn & Cancer Emotions

Cancer and Capricorn are a love story their ancestors had, waiting to be resolved. Although this could sound like a dream come true and could in fact create very strong emotions in both partners, there is almost always a karmic debt to be repaid before they could say they are truly happy together. These signs represent the axis of Jupiter’s exaltation and fall and it is important to understand that their emotional states are closely linked to their expectations from each other and their relationship.
These two are considered one of the most and one of the least emotional signs of the zodiac. One of them should be family oriented and the other turned to their career. Still, their emotions often run wild as soon as they lay eyes on each other. In time, they will both fight for security and stability of their relationship, and although it might be hard for them to reconcile these primal emotional differences, they will in most cases simply – find a way.
The emotional depth of Capricorn is really hard to reach, but Cancer partner can approach this as their life challenge. When they get tied to each other, it is almost impossible for them not to get married, have children and the entire earthly love package. Still, they could take so much of each other’s energy if they tried to change each other. It is best for them to accept each other’s personalities as inevitable and impossible to change. This could lead to a more sensible future than the one in which they are both simply tired of each other.