Capricorn & Cancer Communication and intellect

Compatibility between zodiac signs: Capricorn & Cancer Communication and intellect

Love Compatibility

Find out if your partnership will go all the way. some sun signs naturally work well together, but others need to compromise to make it work!

Capricorn & Cancer Communication and intellect

This is a couple that has the strangest thing in common – genetics. Not literally, of course, but they often share their image of a relationship their distant relatives had, maybe centuries ago. There is information in our emotional body, about each emotion our ancestors have felt and didn’t know how to deal with or how to use. This is where Cancer and Capricorn connect, as signs of the family we come from, and the family we will create.
These partners could feel like they have known each other before they’ve actually met. Their mutual affection will seem familiar and warm, as if they grew up in a same house, even though their circumstances might be completely different. This could make them able to talk about anything, for there is closeness to the relationship of these two signs that is unexplainable to all others.
However, if this emotional bonding doesn’t come at first impulse, Capricorn could be very difficult to talk to from Cancer’s perspective. They need to connect on a very deep level, or they will have opposite goals and Capricorn could seem like a career obsessed lunatic with no emotion what so ever, while Cancer could seem like a clingy housewife (no matter if male or female). They should both remember that if they see each other in this negative light, they are probably only hiding from their own, inner opposite side, dismissing the chance to be complete.