Cancer & Taurus Values

Compatibility between zodiac signs: Cancer & Taurus Values

Love Compatibility

Find out if your partnership will go all the way. some sun signs naturally work well together, but others need to compromise to make it work!

Cancer & Taurus Values

Most of all, they both value life and peace. Since the Moon is the ruler of the sign of Cancer and exalted in Taurus, they both deeply value all things the Moon represents – family, compassion, understanding and bliss.
However, there can be a certain divergence in their view of the material world. Cancer is a Water sign, much more focused on the value of emotion, while Taurus will be turned to financial security. This usually reflects the fear Taurus feels when it comes to their material existence being in question. In the eyes of Cancer this may seem superficial for they have a tendency to think of material reality in an idealistic way. If they have a family together, these issues should settle, because the love of Cancer partner to their children combined with their desire to give them everything they need, easily shifts their perspective and teaches them about the true value of money.