Cancer & Taurus Communication and intellect

Compatibility between zodiac signs: Cancer & Taurus Communication and intellect

Love Compatibility

Find out if your partnership will go all the way. some sun signs naturally work well together, but others need to compromise to make it work!

Cancer & Taurus Communication and intellect

They share lots of different interests and will easily talk about their relationship. Neither of these signs talks much, but they are perfectly capable of understanding each other’s silence and give each word a lot of significance. Their most common topics would include love, home and children, except when they feel unready or when they are too young. It is important to understand that these are not the only issues on their minds, though. Whatever their current interests, they will communicate it in a slow, sensitive manner, leading a conversation to a point of deep mutual understanding.
Still, Taurus can be truly stubborn at times. It doesn’t really matter if they are right or not, for they simply close up for any further conversation as soon as one of their true convictions is touched. Cancer can’t really do that much when this happens. They can try and be even more gentle and compassionate. In case they are close to enlightened, this will certainly work. If not, they will get really emotional and discover that their Taurus partner in fact drives them crazy. As a result, Taurus will see their partner as a real lunatic, waving their hands for no reason and showing no rational behavior whatsoever.