Cancer & Gemini Sexual & Intimacy Compatibility

Compatibility between zodiac signs: Cancer & Gemini Sexual & Intimacy Compatibility

Love Compatibility

Find out if your partnership will go all the way. some sun signs naturally work well together, but others need to compromise to make it work!

Cancer & Gemini Sexual & Intimacy Compatibility

Gemini would go outside and have the weirdest sexual experiences, and Cancer would stay at home and wait for the night to be loved by their tender partner. This is not always the case, of course, but it is very rare for a Gemini partner to manage to relax their Cancer and make them join their sexual adventure. Still, there is a link between them, pretty strong for that matter. Cancer continues the sign of Gemini, and in a way their nature is a consequence of endless conversations and rational explanations.
If Gemini partner has enough patience to talk to their partner about same things over and over, in time they could build enough intimacy to have a good sex life. In order for this scenario to develop, Cancer needs to talk, too. It will not be enough to say a sentence or two and expect that their Gemini will understand how they feel. If they manage to communicate, Cancer could actually wake the depth of their Gemini, giving them enough support to express their more emotional sexual personality.
If they want their relationship to work, their sex life needs to be somewhere in the middle – intimate enough and exciting enough – for both partners to be satisfied.