Cancer & Gemini Emotions

Compatibility between zodiac signs: Cancer & Gemini Emotions

Love Compatibility

Find out if your partnership will go all the way. some sun signs naturally work well together, but others need to compromise to make it work!

Cancer & Gemini Emotions

The main negative possibility here would be in the fact that Gemini doesn’t always listen. It is often said that Gemini is a superficial sign, but in fact, they like to stay afloat and keep away from difficult conversations because of their need to move forward. Cancer can try to share their emotions too often for Gemini to have enough patience to understand them, and this can be devastating for their emotional relationship.
On the other hand, Gemini doesn’t really show emotions in a way that Cancer will easily recognize. It is a good thing they are capable of finding emotion in anything and anyone, so they might have a chance to understand the emotional nature of their childish Gemini.