Cancer & Cancer Emotions

Compatibility between zodiac signs: Cancer & Cancer Emotions

Love Compatibility

Find out if your partnership will go all the way. some sun signs naturally work well together, but others need to compromise to make it work!

Cancer & Cancer Emotions

Mostly Cancer is tagged as the most emotional sign of the zodiac. This is somewhat true, although the leading roles are divided by all of the Water signs. Cancer is the sign of family love and closeness, not so much the sensual, sexual love presented through Venus. When two Cancer representatives start a relationship, they will understand each other’s emotional states perfectly. There is an almost inevitable issue in their primary families that needs to be resolved, and they will usually use each other to do so.
As they are both ruled by the Moon, their mood changes will probably coincide, but the scope of emotions that the Moon represents is far bigger than most of us presume. They carry emotional state of their ancestors and it is not enough to tag them as just “emotional”. The best relationship for two Cancer partners means to build a family, but only in case they have a good sex life. All of their emotions are best shared, understood and dealt with when they share a home and their life together.