Cancer & Cancer Communication and intellect

Compatibility between zodiac signs: Cancer & Cancer Communication and intellect

Love Compatibility

Find out if your partnership will go all the way. some sun signs naturally work well together, but others need to compromise to make it work!

Cancer & Cancer Communication and intellect

If you are looking for a fan of non-verbal communication, look for Cancer. When there are two of them, especially if they are in an intimate relationship, they can be quiet for days for as long as their inner feeling is good. Although they enjoy the routine of sharing some life details with their partner, their favorite time of day will probably be that cup of morning coffee when they don’t have to talk at all.
Some of the more rational signs could have a low opinion on the intellectual strength of these partners and they could seem as if they have nothing to say. But anyone who is a bit more sensitive will feel that they look at each other with undivided attention and follow each other’s movements and grins. They don’t need words when they can smile to each other. Who cares about communication really? It can be so obsolete…