Aries & Cancer Emotions

Compatibility between zodiac signs: Aries & Cancer Emotions

Love Compatibility

Find out if your partnership will go all the way. some sun signs naturally work well together, but others need to compromise to make it work!

Aries & Cancer Emotions

Aries and Cancer are both deeply emotional, although Aries is often described as if they had an emotional disability. They are warm, passionate and have high expectations of their partner when it comes to scratching beneath the surface. Their boundaries may be too strict as they fear their own sensitivity and sometimes act like heartless soldiers. Cancer wears their emotions as a winter coat and hides them only when feeling ashamed to show them. They accept their emotional nature as a given and work toward realizing a personal world full of respect for their soft side. We often say that Cancer wants to have a family and raise children, but this is not due to their need to reproduce or stay in the house all day long, but because they need a safe haven for their emotional side and enough people to share their compassionate nature with.
Even though these approaches to their emotions seem different, they understand each other’s depth and in most cases respect each other in this area of existence, in case Aries leaves their impatient nature out of their relationship. The problem appears when they are supposed to understand how they feel about each other, as feelings are not easily shown when dealing with partner’s personality they don’t fully understand.