Aries & Cancer Communication and intellect

Compatibility between zodiac signs: Aries & Cancer Communication and intellect

Love Compatibility

Find out if your partnership will go all the way. some sun signs naturally work well together, but others need to compromise to make it work!

Aries & Cancer Communication and intellect

Both of these partners have the same tendency to act on an impulse and cut the conversation short before they even got to the point of it. It is not their intention to react in this way, but they push each other’s buttons and it is very hard for them to stay focused and solve the issue they talked about. Their interests differ too much, so even when they are trying to have a peaceful conversation about something impersonal, it is still a battle to keep the attention to the subject in question, whoever initiated the talk.
Their only shared characteristic is the cardinal quality of both signs, which gives them a good understanding on each other’s “ad hoc” personalities. This will make it easier for the couple to recover from all of the possible conflicts and misunderstandings. Still, in the eyes of a Cancer partner, this type of relationship doesn’t have a purpose and they might find themselves fighting in a way they don’t feel comfortable with.
As their signs are ruled by Mars and the Moon, it is an archetypal story of hurt and emotional pain, so their intentions have to be truly pure. They have to treat each other in a gentle, thought-out way, measuring every word they say. This can be exhausting for both of them, unless they fully accept the fact that they don’t need to change their personality, only the way they express it and make a game out of it.