Aries & Aquarius Communication and intellect

Compatibility between zodiac signs: Aries & Aquarius Communication and intellect

Love Compatibility

Find out if your partnership will go all the way. some sun signs naturally work well together, but others need to compromise to make it work!

Aries & Aquarius Communication and intellect

Their conversations can be so exciting that many people would like to jump in. Aries is often kind of serious and asks for their boundaries to be respected. Aquarius partner will recognize this, laugh and shake their entire world. It is unimaginable to Aries, always moving straight, for someone to have such an open mind, going back and front, having new revelations every day and never losing energy for new, different topics.
Aries could find an idol in their Aquarius partner and full-heartedly enter any dialogue because they are excited about what they might discover and how their perspective would change. On the other hand, Aquarius enjoys this role in their partner’s life due to their ego issues with the Sun positioned at this sign. They will share their thoughts with their partner, trying to be as interesting as possible. Aquarius is motivated by their Aries partner and enjoys making tiny jokes at their expense. It is important for Aries not to take things personally when it comes to Aquarius humor and they might have a lot of fun together.
Because of their strong natures, filled with energy, they could fight most of the time. In most cases, Aquarius will not stand for ridiculous conflicts and will build a brick wall somewhere between them if needed. Still, they usually tear it down at the end of the day, for they cherish each other the way they are after all.