
Compatibility between zodiac signs: Summary

Love Compatibility

Find out if your partnership will go all the way. some sun signs naturally work well together, but others need to compromise to make it work!

Aries and Aquarius Summary

This is a couple that lacks tenderness. They are not two brutes who let their relationship fade as soon as their passion does, but the distant examining look of Aquarius can take out the emotion out of it. Aries partner needs to be relaxed by their significant other, so they can melt down and show their true, warm emotional nature. In this relationship, they would have a distant partner that basically supports their primal, instinctive nature. Although it is nice to think that the point of each relationship is for partners to accept each other as they are, in this case that would take away every chance for an Aries to grow through togetherness and learn about their emotional nature. This is something they will never be satisfied with.
Still, every relationship with Aquarius can surprise us as much as any individual Aquarius could. With them as a partner, there is always room for an enlightening scenario that leaves all things to free will. In case they decide to share their lives together, they should have a screaming room they could individually visit once in a while. This would probably do the trick. And about that lack of emotion, they could just put in a lot of physical tenderness to begin with and let things go from there.