Virgo & Aquarius Emotions

Compatibility between zodiac signs: Virgo & Aquarius Emotions

Love Compatibility

Find out if your partnership will go all the way. some sun signs naturally work well together, but others need to compromise to make it work!

Virgo & Aquarius Emotions

The emotional rollercoaster Aquarius gladly offers is something Virgo will probably despise. In case they do fall in love, they will have to deal with a constant fight for freedom and routine. Virgo is a sign of health and our daily routine, and its representatives can often be obsessed by their every meal or every checkup they’ve had with their doctor. Aquarius will in most cases avoid doctors at all costs and the fact that they exalt Neptune will mostly turn them to all sorts of alternative medicine, rather than anything typical that Virgo might hold on to.
The entire emotional world of their relationship could come down to Virgo worrying for their irresponsible Aquarius partner, and the lack of gratitude they might get in return. In fact, Aquarius usually doesn’t need to be taken care of in this way. This is a complicated emotional relationship because the worrying of Virgo degrades the personality of Aquarius and the best of intentions could have damaging consequences.
The biggest problem in the relationship of Virgo and Aquarius is in the fact they both heavily rely on their rational mind. This leaves no room for the joy of seduction, love and satisfaction, and usually they both need a partner with more warmth, life or emotion to them so they could both be happier.