Sagittarius & Virgo Emotions

Compatibility between zodiac signs: Sagittarius & Virgo Emotions

Love Compatibility

Find out if your partnership will go all the way. some sun signs naturally work well together, but others need to compromise to make it work!

Sagittarius & Virgo Emotions

This is not exactly a couple that will often end up in a happily ever after, even though they both wish to find the right person for this more than anything. In most cases, their vision of a fairytale ending differs too much for them to have it with one together. Still, in some rare situations, their mutable natures allow them to move in the same pace with enough respect to stay in an emotional bond that satisfies them both.
Both of these partners are considered unemotional, but this is mostly because of their need to rationalize, analyze and use their minds to explain everything that happens to them, rather than rely on their hearts or gut feelings. This will often be a problem, for Virgo needs someone truly emotional so they can show their own deep feelings. Sagittarius seems to be uninterested in needs of Virgo or simply unaware of them because they act as if they are purely rational. The trick here is for both partners to see behind the act in order to find each other’s hearts and understand what they can expect from one another.