Sagittarius & Taurus Values

Compatibility between zodiac signs: Sagittarius & Taurus Values

Love Compatibility

Find out if your partnership will go all the way. some sun signs naturally work well together, but others need to compromise to make it work!

Sagittarius & Taurus Values

The combination of signs of Taurus and Sagittarius is a “flower child” full of love, understanding for the world and ultimately humane. They could support each other’s utopian worlds a bit too passionately, and this could lead to one of them, or both, being in a delusion about what reality is about. There is too much love and happiness in the world if they start sharing opinions and this can become like a drug to both of them. The practicality of Taurus will usually break this pattern and hit a counter-attack with their reality checks and material issues so they can both remember where their values part ways – to security and utter lack of it.