Pisces & Virgo Communication and intellect

Compatibility between zodiac signs: Pisces & Virgo Communication and intellect

Love Compatibility

Find out if your partnership will go all the way. some sun signs naturally work well together, but others need to compromise to make it work!

Pisces & Virgo Communication and intellect

They complement each other best through communication and intellectual stimulation. When they start their relationship, they are bound to realize how similar they actually are, even though they seem so different. The mutable quality of their signs will allow them to jump from topic to topic, both of them staying interested in the flow and the outcome of their conversations.
The best person to pull Virgo out of their obsessive analysis is Pisces, with their smile and their wider picture. Pisces will give their Virgo partner faith, teach them how belief can form reality and help them be free from too much caution and fear from failure. Virgo often has this inner battle in which nothing they know, think or do is good or valuable enough. Pisces are able to inspire and find value in everything in life, and those insecurities and emotional problems of Virgo may seem like something needless that damages the self-esteem of everyone around them. They will do their best to help their partner reach the point of inner security in which they understand their worth. In return, Virgo will help Pisces reach the actual materialization of their incredible talents. They might do so through nagging and constant criticism, but in the end, Pisces will have many things to be thankful for.
Not only does this relationship represent the axis of Venus’ exaltation and fall, but it also represents the axis of the exaltation and fall of Mercury. As much as Virgo has trouble with Venus, Pisces have trouble with practical Mercury and their mind can send mixed signals making them lost and confused. Virgo will help them build an inner sense of intellectual security, in return for their emotional one.