Pisces & Libra Emotions

Compatibility between zodiac signs: Pisces & Libra Emotions

Love Compatibility

Find out if your partnership will go all the way. some sun signs naturally work well together, but others need to compromise to make it work!

Pisces & Libra Emotions

Their emotional connection is mostly presented through the adoration of Venus in the sign of Pisces. This is an everlasting love waiting to happen, and the kind that could be born between these partners in case they both overcome their ego. It will be a rare occurrence and their rationalities will weigh them down, for Libra does exalt Saturn, and Pisces are ruled by Jupiter. Their minds will probably be filled with all sorts of irrelevant information until they decide that it is simply too hard for them to be together.
If they pass the point of disrespect and set strong boundaries, nurturing each other’s individuality and self-sufficiency, they might reach the point of emotional interaction. As if they didn’t have enough challenges, this will usually happen at a different time. Libra will rush into an emotional showoff, realizing that they have found love, but Pisces will not feel any love until all the dust settles and they have the time to close their eyes and feel. If their timing is off, they will probably end their relationship on good terms, not expecting much from each other in the future.