
Compatibility between zodiac signs: Summary

Love Compatibility

Find out if your partnership will go all the way. some sun signs naturally work well together, but others need to compromise to make it work!

Pisces and Gemini Summary

Gemini and Pisces are squaring signs that often don’t have that much in common. They are both usually positive enough to have a superficial enjoyable relationship and go well together at large social gatherings. They could both forget to call each other when they agreed to, and they can both change their opinions in two seconds, but they simply don’t share the same goals. As a strongly mental and a strongly emotional sign, their lack of understanding can be hurtful for Pisces and sometimes for both of them. If they do fall in love and start a romantic relationship, chances are they will not last very long.
However, there is a beauty in the creative side of this relationship and if Gemini decides to truly listen to Pisces, they could help them use their talent in a constructive way. In most situations Pisces will just drain the energy out of their Gemini partner, especially if they end up in their fragile, needy mode that some other signs could understand much better than Gemini. If they are to succeed in their persistence to be together, they should work together and socialize a lot. The most important thing for both of them in this relationship is to reach for their emotional cores and give in to true intimacy, or they will never manage to communicate.