Libra & Pisces Sexual & Intimacy Compatibility

Compatibility between zodiac signs: Libra & Pisces Sexual & Intimacy Compatibility

Love Compatibility

Find out if your partnership will go all the way. some sun signs naturally work well together, but others need to compromise to make it work!

Libra & Pisces Sexual & Intimacy Compatibility

Air and Water, Libra and Pisces seem to have almost nothing in common. However, we shouldn’t forget their connection through Venus, the ruler of Libra, exalted in Pisces. Since they touch each other through this sensual, loving planet, they might find true sexual satisfaction together. They can both be selfless lovers, caring more about the satisfaction of their partner than their own.
Tenderness shouldn’t be an issue here for none of these partners will like too much aggression and roughness anyway. They could discover many different sexual preferences that they weren’t aware of before, through a connection of very different natures. If they weren’t connected by Venus, it would be very difficult for them to form a relationship on any kind, for their approach to life and sexuality is completely different.
Libra partner wants someone strong, passionate and confident, while Pisces partner wants someone gentle, compassionate and aware of their feelings. Libra will want their sexual experiences fast and exciting, and Pisces will want them slow and sensual. The main issue of speed is usually overcome by the quickly changeable nature of Pisces, except in cases when they are too shy to jump into a sexual relation with someone as openly sexual as Libra.