Libra & Libra Emotions

Compatibility between zodiac signs: Libra & Libra Emotions

Love Compatibility

Find out if your partnership will go all the way. some sun signs naturally work well together, but others need to compromise to make it work!

Libra & Libra Emotions

On one hand, two signs ruled by Venus seem to be made for love, and this speaks of their physical and spiritual closeness that can be made through their emotional contact. On the other, Libra is a sign that exalts Saturn, and this gives them both a cold side, one that will not easily allow them to build an intimate relationship. The Air element they belong to won’t help much, since they will do their best to rationalize things until they lose any emotional value. Two Libras sometimes make an impression of two people who refuse to be in love, out of social or intellectual expectations that cannot be met.
There is that stubbornness in Libra that isn’t obvious at first glance, and if something could tear this couple apart, it is their need to stick to their convictions. As if they are incapable to look at the bigger picture, they will sometimes shove their emotions under the rug, only to hold on to what they know. It is strange how sure of their knowledge and intelligence they can be when they get together, as if they finally found someone that seems weaker. In order to stay together, two Libra partners need to turn off their brains and let go to their feelings and their sexual relations. This is the only way for them to build intimacy, or they might both resist it out of simple fear and lack of confidence.