Libra & Leo Communication and intellect

Compatibility between zodiac signs: Libra & Leo Communication and intellect

Love Compatibility

Find out if your partnership will go all the way. some sun signs naturally work well together, but others need to compromise to make it work!

Libra & Leo Communication and intellect

When it comes to the rational side of their relationship, Leo and Libra have a very nice way to support each other’s personalities and communicate. The sextile between their Suns usually makes it possible for them to respect each other, and help each other build stronger personalities, free of judgment of any kind. Their elements of Fire and Air fit perfectly and there is a passionate approach of Leo for every idea of Libra. Their communication is fast and inspiring, although sometimes hard to ground through constructive ideas if Libra doesn’t rely on its cold and rational relationship with Saturn.
The problem arises if Libra feels any sort of jealousy at their Leo partner for their sometimes unfounded confidence and that inner sense of security. The only way for Libra to learn how to feel confident as well is to accept this ability of Leo as the best part of their beautiful character. If Libra starts judging Leo, making assumptions on how their partner should behave but doesn’t, their mutual respect will fade and they will both miss the point of their relationship.