Libra & Gemini Communication and intellect

Compatibility between zodiac signs: Libra & Gemini Communication and intellect

Love Compatibility

Find out if your partnership will go all the way. some sun signs naturally work well together, but others need to compromise to make it work!

Libra & Gemini Communication and intellect

Gemini partner is very opinionated and Libra has a tendency to take a lot of things their partner says as a personal insult. Although Gemini will, in most cases, just follow their rational nature and comment on things simply because they want to talk, it will be hard on Libra to overcome some of the things they might say. The sign of Libra is very sensitive to any sort of will imposing or criticism and will recognize it even when Gemini has no idea what their partner is imagining. Who’s to say which one of them is right?
Since no two people can agree on everything every time each of them opens their mouth to speak, Gemini and Libra can have a very hurtful and tough communication due to the mutual lack of tolerance. Gemini partner would rather go blind than accept that they have a lack of tolerance, but the truth is they can be quite strict when it comes to someone’s mental activity and their opinions. Libra is in most cases hurt enough by the pressure on their personality produced in their primal family, so they will have a very bad response to this behavior even if Gemini meant nothing wrong.
The main issue here is in the fact that Gemini lives to learn and teach what they have learned. They often present themselves as someone who knows things, and Libra can see this as their need to prove their intellectual dominance. Even though this isn’t their intention in most cases, sometimes a single sentence Gemini said can be something Libra feels hurt by for years to come. Libra can learn from a teacher, from someone who has proven their worth, but hardly from their know-it-all partner.