Leo & Taurus Emotions

Compatibility between zodiac signs: Leo & Taurus Emotions

Love Compatibility

Find out if your partnership will go all the way. some sun signs naturally work well together, but others need to compromise to make it work!

Leo & Taurus Emotions

Taurus is a deeply emotional sign, in case they don’t close up and live in their own little, safe material world. Leo is a passionate sign that represents love as a power of creation and all we feel gravity toward. They are both a personification of love, each one of them in their own way. When they get together, they will rarely feel this love for one another. Maybe we could view this as their mission to give love to the less fortunate zodiacal signs, or maybe their emotional nature has to give more and receive less. Whatever the reason in most cases they simply don’t fall in love with each other.
There is a great possibility that they will simply stay in their own worlds, with no prospects of merging even in something close to a friendship. This is not because they don’t like each other or feel some sort of hostility, but because they are like two islands in two different oceans. Each of them has their own nature, their own world with all its beauties, and they need someone closer to this world they hold on to. None of them has the role of a floating island in search for someone to merge with.
If emotions are shared, they could be huge, but there would still be the issue of showing and recognizing them before we imagine a fairytale.