Leo & Scorpio Sexual & Intimacy Compatibility

Compatibility between zodiac signs: Leo & Scorpio Sexual & Intimacy Compatibility

Love Compatibility

Find out if your partnership will go all the way. some sun signs naturally work well together, but others need to compromise to make it work!

Leo & Scorpio Sexual & Intimacy Compatibility

This is a complicated relationship between two strong personalities with an incredible sex drive. Leo is a passionate lover, warm, always in search for action and they can be quite casual when it comes to their sexual encounters. Scorpio is sex itself, and the depth of emotion that goes with it in its purest form. When they get together, they could have real trouble finding middle ground between their personalities.
These partners can seem as if they’ve crashed into each other with no plan or purpose. If they are attracted to each other, this could drive them mad, for none of them will be able to realize their desires in a wanted way. If they end up having sexual relations, they could have misunderstandings on everything, from their verbal communication to their physical needs. They simply don’t operate in the same ways and while Leo wants to be respected, Scorpio understands that all respect dies in the act of sex.
It is extremely difficult for a Leo and a Scorpio to reach intimacy, because they have a different view on emotions. What Leo sees as love, Scorpio finds superficial and irritating, and what Scorpio sees as love, Leo finds depressing and irritating. They both need to give up control entirely if they want to find sexual satisfaction with each other.