Leo & Cancer Sexual & Intimacy Compatibility

Compatibility between zodiac signs: Leo & Cancer Sexual & Intimacy Compatibility

Love Compatibility

Find out if your partnership will go all the way. some sun signs naturally work well together, but others need to compromise to make it work!

Leo & Cancer Sexual & Intimacy Compatibility

Cancer and Leo make a very interesting couple due to the fact they are the only signs in the zodiac ruled by the lights in the sky, both of which are not planets – the Sun and the Moon. Although they don’t have much in common, in astrology they represent a husband and a wife and are the king and queen of the zodiac. Unfortunately we know how unsatisfying the sex between a king and a queen can be like.
The sexual aspect of their relationship depends on the depth of their emotions. As highly emotional signs, each in their own way, they tend to show their love in different ways and this can be a bit hard to reconcile in their sex life. As a Fire sign, Leo is way more openly passionate and this could scare their Cancer away. Cancer is tender and sensitive enough to make their Leo partner feel guilty because of their nature, or Leo could simply have difficulty being tender in the way Cancer needs them to. It is as if a lion and a roe started a sexual relationship and although they don’t want to hurt each other, their primal behavior seems to pull them in that direction.
Still, because of their rulers, they can get pretty close and share fine emotions in their sexual encounters. Although there won’t be much excitement to them, they could be satisfying enough for both partners if they don’t expect a wild sex life. To find middle ground they really need to be quiet and listen to each other’s needs.