Capricorn & Scorpio Communication and intellect

Compatibility between zodiac signs: Capricorn & Scorpio Communication and intellect

Love Compatibility

Find out if your partnership will go all the way. some sun signs naturally work well together, but others need to compromise to make it work!

Capricorn & Scorpio Communication and intellect

Fixed, unmovable Scorpio, in the state of constant metamorphosis and evolution in the same direction, can be a bite “too big to chew” for their stubborn, earthly, long lasting in everything Capricorn. Their similar pace and the patience Capricorn has, followed by the feel of Scorpio can help their understanding very much, but when they disagree on something, they could end up in a silent fight for years to come.
There is nothing light or easy in this interaction, and even though they understand each other’s depth of mind and a certain “what goes around comes around” view on life, they will rarely laugh, dance, and have fun together. They might think that this is not even something they need, but everyone needs to have some fun and smile, or life loses a lot of its meaning. Dark humor might savor their situation, day after day, and if they have the same friends it will be much easier for them to enjoy life together. All friendships Scorpio makes, become long-term with the help of Capricorn when respected enough, and this could help them build a wonderful surrounding full of understanding people who love them.
In general, they get each other’s need for silence and patiently approach each other until each of them opens up. This can open the door for a respectful communication and intellectual understanding that lasts for a very long time, if they learn to control all the negative convictions that surface when they are together.