Capricorn & Sagittarius Sexual & Intimacy Compatibility

Compatibility between zodiac signs: Capricorn & Sagittarius Sexual & Intimacy Compatibility

Love Compatibility

Find out if your partnership will go all the way. some sun signs naturally work well together, but others need to compromise to make it work!

Capricorn & Sagittarius Sexual & Intimacy Compatibility

There is something unbearable about the sexual contact of these partners. Even when they are attracted to each other and form a sexual bond, after their time has passed they will probably feel like they shouldn’t have been together. There is no logical explanation to this feeling, but it is present more often than not. Differences in their character can be strangely easy for them to handle, simply because a Sagittarius takes everything in with ease, and Capricorn feels responsible enough to understand their partner’s immaturity as their own fault, in some strange way.
Each Capricorn wants meaning and depth to their physical encounters, for they are slow, thorough and value their physical reality. Sagittarius often doesn’t understand the pace at which a Capricorn wants to move in, nor do they see the importance of the physical world that Capricorn has the responsibility to. In the beginning of their relationship, if they share the same desires, they might not see how incompatible they actually are. Unfortunately, as time passes, it becomes pretty obvious that their archetypal battle reflects on their characters in a way that taints their sex life.
The only way they can ever remain in a healthy sexual relationship, is if Sagittarius respects the physical, as much as Capricorn loosens up and respects change that comes with their partner’s Jupiter governed Soul. Their meeting point is in the sing opposing Capricorn, where the ruler of Sagittarius is exalted. In other words, their meeting point is in pure emotion.