Capricorn & Gemini Sexual & Intimacy Compatibility

Compatibility between zodiac signs: Capricorn & Gemini Sexual & Intimacy Compatibility

Love Compatibility

Find out if your partnership will go all the way. some sun signs naturally work well together, but others need to compromise to make it work!

Capricorn & Gemini Sexual & Intimacy Compatibility

There are certain activities that don’t require many words, and in Capricorn’s humble opinion sex is one of them. Then Gemini comes along and starts explaining each position, the interesting overview on Kama Sutra and the beauty of outdoor sex. It is almost unbearable to watch these partners with their completely different philosophies while they try to maneuver their sex life.
In order for Capricorn to experiment in sex, their partner needs to manage to really relax them and open their mind. With Gemini, they feel like taking care of a child heading for trouble, getting naked wherever they feel like it. Although this is not actually the case, this is how it may seem to Capricorn, reliant on traditional values and always taking responsibility for their actions.
In most cases, they will hardly even be attracted to one another. If they become sexual partners, there is a big chance that Gemini will find their Capricorn partner uncreative and stiff, while Capricorn would think of Gemini as too unconventional. The strangest thing in this combination of the signs is in the fact they will both probably consider each other boring. Yes, everyone would say Capricorn can be boring and Gemini is so interesting and fun, but actually, the lack of focus and deep feelings Gemini partner usually suffers from, is a huge turn off for Capricorn. All things considered, these two are not actually the best sexual partners among the zodiac signs, but could make a meeting point in a relationship with enough boundaries and enough creativity of both partners.