Cancer & Virgo Emotions

Compatibility between zodiac signs: Cancer & Virgo Emotions

Love Compatibility

Find out if your partnership will go all the way. some sun signs naturally work well together, but others need to compromise to make it work!

Cancer & Virgo Emotions

The rational side of Virgo could keep their overall emotional status very low. If Cancer starts showing their emotions openly and with no restriction, Virgo might get scared and start analyzing every little thing to determine if any emotion is really there. There is probably no greater turn off for a Cancer than someone who rationalizes their own emotion. As if the fight to keep them afloat among the human race isn’t enough, now they have to deal with a neurotic partner who dismisses them.
The emotional side to Virgo is a deeply feminine side, usually ashamed to show her face, especially if Virgo partner is male. It becomes almost impossible for them to feel something if they are in any way pressured or feel mistrust with their partner. Virgo would rather be alone, with a right book, than with the wrong person, and it takes a lot of patience and rationality from their partner if they want to understand and wait for the ice to melt. If Cancer manages to do this, there is no reason for both of them not to resolve any other emotional issue that needs resolving, mutual or individual, while together.