Cancer & Aries Trust

Compatibility between zodiac signs: Cancer & Aries Trust

Love Compatibility

Find out if your partnership will go all the way. some sun signs naturally work well together, but others need to compromise to make it work!

Cancer & Aries Trust

The issue of trust is something different for this couple. They will rarely debate about their trust in each other’s fidelity. Usually the problem they encounter is a trust issue when it comes to intimacy. Aries has a different view on intimacy. In the eyes of their Cancer partner they can seem pushy and even aggressive with an attitude that doesn’t lead to anything close to relaxed. As much as Cancer would like to understand the straightforward nature of Aries, it will be extremely difficult to see it as anything other than beastly.
There is also a problem with the way they show and recognize emotions. It may be hard for an Aries partner to understand that they are loved if someone only asks annoying questions, tries to tie them down and doesn’t want to have sex. On the other hand, Cancer will probably feel violated in every way, unless Aries partner slows down and has an atypical show of gentle emotions. Usually any sort of mistrust is a consequence of the lack of ability to believe in each other’s feelings for one another, for they don’t really recognize them well.