
Compatibility between zodiac signs: Summary

Love Compatibility

Find out if your partnership will go all the way. some sun signs naturally work well together, but others need to compromise to make it work!

Cancer and Aquarius Summary

We could say that Cancer and Aquarius are not your usual happy couple in most cases. Their relationship can be too stressful for Cancer partner and the lack of intimacy will most probably tear them apart. However, the link between them can actually be wonderful when found, and they could open up such interesting new perspectives for one another if this happens. They both want to learn new things and could travel far if a strong base is made at home, so Cancer can remain peaceful.
For this couple to move in a positive direction, Aquarius needs to understand how unusual their partner is, and try to experiment on being homey while having fun. Cancer will have to take over the main set of responsibilities to hold on to the idea of their home as a base from which they can move wherever they want. In the end, Cancer might discover an unbelievable joy of freedom and Aquarius might develop closeness. If these partners can be silent together, sipping on their morning coffee, this is in most cases the first step to success.