Aries & Aries Communication and intellect

Compatibility between zodiac signs: Aries & Aries Communication and intellect

Love Compatibility

Find out if your partnership will go all the way. some sun signs naturally work well together, but others need to compromise to make it work!

Aries & Aries Communication and intellect

Imagine two handsome, naked people, banging their heads against a brick wall. Sometimes this is the best possible image to make you understand the mindset of Aries, especially when there are two of them, brainstorming. Intelligence has nothing to do with the image, as they can be extremely intelligent due to the possibility of the position of Mercury in their sign, but some kind of strange stubbornness is what can make them senselessly stupid.
The usual Aries brain has a sort of need to always prove something to others. Now this would be great if the debate had some calm, rational thinking as a base, but even when their arguments are valid, they can’t seem to stay calm and distant for long enough to make their opinion be heard.
The good side of this combination is in fact the same position of the Sun as signification of awareness, so you can see that their main focus doesn’t differ that much. Still, it is difficult for two of them to find peace in communicating, unless they share most of the same opinions.
Mars, their ruler, is in its low energy set – a planet of aggression. When you try to pin previous description to your Aries couple, you may not find it valid. But if you look again, you might see all types of hidden aggression between them, especially if they are tired. It is as if they are used to it and now they simply function in this way. Look again – it may be physical or verbal, active or passive. Is it there?