Cancer & Aquarius Emotions

Compatibility between zodiac signs: Cancer & Aquarius Emotions

Love Compatibility

Find out if your partnership will go all the way. some sun signs naturally work well together, but others need to compromise to make it work!

Cancer & Aquarius Emotions

The unconventional nature of Aquarius interferes with Cancer’s need to stay in a peaceful environment, and this is something they will find hardest to reconcile. That homey, cozy feeling Cancer needs can be deeply disturbed by the rebellious Air sign of Aquarius. They will bring stress and too much information in their life, and speed that cannot be handled by a subtle state of deep empathy Cancer has to live with daily.
The way they show love is very different, but it can be wonderfully focused on their kids and the family they build if they get to this point. There is no sign in the zodiac predestined for a family life such as Cancer. In a relationship with Aquarius, they would take over the most of everyday activities and responsibilities. In return, their children would get a childhood without boundaries and a life of free choices that no other couple can give. This is a consequence of the difference between them and the tolerance they have to build in order to stay together.
When they do fall in love, they will not be so quick to end their relationship. Aquarius will approach it as a kind of challenge and understand the stability and love they get from this partner. Cancer will realize that they have never been this free to actually be themselves instead of living in a symbiotic relationship they are easily sucked into. Once they form a strong bond, it will be very hard for both of them to let it go.